
Intelligence community


By Ann Eastham
Contributor, Career Services

A Virtual Career Fair (VCF) is an online platform that facilitates a conversation between a recruiter and a potential employee. With advancements in technology, the ability to connect virtually is greater than ever and the Intelligence Community (IC) is taking full advantage.

As a career coach, I have had many conversations with students and alumni about the benefits of attending these VCFs, and below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

What makes intelligence a daunting career choice is that the paths are ill-defined and often downright confusing. Unlike careers in law enforcement where you attend a training academy, there is no ROTC-like program to bring intelligence professionals into the workforce. Most people working in intelligence did not start their career in the field. So where do you start?

By Dr. Valerie E. Davis, American Public University

The job of an intelligence analyst is often very stressful due to the nature of the work and intense pressures to deliver information in a short amount of time. AMU intelligence studies professor Dr. Valerie Davis writes about the importance for intel analysts to learn how to recognize and identify stress and understand effective ways to manage it. 

There has been a major shift in national security thinking among many intellectuals and practitioners regarding the role of intelligence. Intelligence is not a replacement for national security policy, yet that seems to be what is happening today. AMU’s Dr. Lamont Colucci discusses the role of intelligence as the servant of a strategic national security policy not a replacement.