APU Careers Careers & Learning Original

Three Tips to Help You Stand Out at a Virtual Career Fair

Register now for our Business and Management Virtual Career Fair on May 22!

By Tiffany Sappington, GCDF
Contributor and Career Coach, APUS

The Department of Career Services hosts a number of Virtual Career Fairs (VCF) throughout the year to bring students, alumni and employers together. This virtual environment offers the same benefits as an in-person career fair. Attending a VCF is a great way to build connections and gain a solid understanding of what employers are looking for in candidates. Do not miss your opportunity to participate.

The Business and Management Virtual Career Fair is scheduled for May 22, 2019 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. ET. Click the link to register and view the employers scheduled to attend.

Career Services is also hosting Employer Insights on May 21, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. ET. During this Adobe conference, we will discuss ways to make the most of your VCF experience.

Preparation is key to a virtual career fair. There are three ways to make your virtual career fair experience a better one.

#1: Research the Employers

My number one tip is to perform in-depth research on the employers attending the VCF. Understand the employer’s mission, vision and values; know where you fit in. Performing this research ahead of time will demonstrate your knowledge of a particular employer and your sincere desire to work for them. Do not ask an employer how you fit in — tell them.

Utilize company websites, LinkedIn, USAJobs.gov or your favorite job board to identify positions that interest you the most. When approaching employers, give a one- to two-sentence introduction describing what makes you most qualified for a particular role.

If your target role is available in multiple locations, express your geographical preference, but remain as open as possible. The VCF could be your only chance to have one-on-one contact with employers, so make the most of the opportunity.

#2: Review Your Resume

Make sure your resume is tailored to your targeted role, is free of grammatical errors and includes your most up-to-date contact information. Know your resume inside and out and be prepared for impromptu private discussions. If you notice a particular job announcement requires additional application materials such as a cover letter or transcripts, have them on hand.

If you need help with your resume, email resumehelp@apus.edu at least seven business days prior to the VCF. Career Coaches are available to discuss goals and strategies for the VCF. If you are interested in individual coaching, email careerservices@apus.edu.

If you prefer to prepare on your own, view this five-minute podcast and read this short article, featuring more VCF preparation steps.

#3: Prepare Questions to Ask Employers during the Virtual Career Fair

Being inside an employer booth at the VCF can be somewhat intimidating. Upon entering, scroll through the chat log to determine if your questions were already addressed. If you are stuck, try one of the following examples:

  1. What knowledge, skills or experiences do top applicants possess?
  2. Once hired, how can employees continue to strengthen skills and be a top performer?
  3. What qualities do you look for that are typically never included on resumes?

If you want a resume review, are looking for individual career coaching or need additional help preparing for events like a VCF, remember that Career Services is here to help.

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