


Most companies encourage professional development and furthering your education, but have you taken your company up on their offers?

Perhaps there’s a cap on how many conferences, classes, or seminars you can attend in a year, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from absorbing as much knowledge as you possibly can.

Try scouring sites like Monster, and Careerbuilder for upcoming webinars related to your field of interest. You can also subscribe to an email list to get alerts on upcoming events that are free to attend. Don’t stifle the student inside of you just because you’re working full-time!

If you’re fortunate in that your work provides reimbursement for degree obtainment, then check out the option of online education.  There’s no physical campus to attend, if the school is 100% online, and you can arrange your class schedule to better fit your busy life.

So, if you’re education has taken a backseat due to a busy schedule, make the time to explore your options. Whether it’s a webinar or webcast you sit in on every month, it’s still a step towards continually refining and updating your skills.

Science fiction often becomes reality. It’s only a matter of time. So, imagine if there was an educational method in which you could plug a super computer into your brain and download any course you ever wanted.