


Vlog with Dr. Kelli Frakes
Program Director, Homeland Security at American Military University

Data security is a major concern across multiple industries. So, what is being done to combat the near-weekly data breach issues that are not only affecting large companies, but private citizens? Dr. Frakes discusses chip and pin use in the credit card industry, and whether it really is effective enough to combat the data breaches that put private citizens at risk.

Learn more about additional Cybersecurity Trends of 2015.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Kelli Frakes is an Associate Professor and the Program Director for Homeland Security at American Military University. Previously, Kelli managed several research projects focusing on issues pertaining to first responders funded by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Institute of Justice. Prior to academia, she worked in law enforcement and was the youngest person promoted to the rank of sergeant in her agency at the age of 24.

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Black Hand’s assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife triggered World War I. Pearl Harbor thrust the U.S. from isolationism into World War II. The Gulf of Tonkin catalyzed U.S. military intervention in Vietnam. Is it possible that the Rogen-Franco hackneyed Hollywood comedy The Interview (in the vein of 1985’s Chase-Akroyd, Spies Like Us) will become the flashpoint for The Great Cyberwar in the chronicles of history?x