

Start a degree program at American Public University.

By Ryan Laspina
Senior Specialist, Red Flags and External Reviews at APUS

A college degree is one of the best assets to have to enhance your career options. Some students have a career plan well before they start college. They might want to become a lawyer, a doctor, an entrepreneur or biologist.

However, many students start college without really knowing what career they want to pursue. That is perfectly acceptable.

Most colleges require the successful completion of a certain number of general education credits to earn a degree. Taking introductory courses in different subjects is a great way to find out what you might like to do and where your specialties lie.

Some Helpful Tips to Create a College Path toward a Career

If you would like to have a plan in place before starting college, try these tips:

1. Sit and think about your ideal career. Be honest with yourself and do not be afraid to follow your dreams. The only person who can destroy your dreams is you.

2. Experiment with some new hobbies that interest you. You may find a hidden talent or a hobby you really enjoy, which you can turn into a career opportunity later.

3. Talk to an academic advisor at your school. These professionals are trained to help students who may not have set a direction academically. You can also talk to a financial aid representative to find resources that can help you finance your college path.

4. Never make a career decision based solely on money. If there is one piece of advice to follow, it is to pursue a career that makes you happy. Money does not equal happiness. Do what you love, not what will make you the most money.

Don’t Stress over Your Career Path

College often raises your stress level. However, one thing you definitely should not stress over is selecting your career before starting college.

Let your career path evolve over time. At some point during your college years, you will put a career plan in place. In the meantime, follow the above tips and enjoy what will be some of the best years of your life.