


The most essential function of a school administrator is monitoring effective teaching, but it is the hardest skill to teach. Effective teaching is different depending on the classroom. So, what does it look like to an administrator?

Effective teaching is active teaching. Not only is the teacher active, but so are the students. The classroom experience drives student engagement and determines student success. The teacher must also clearly identify objectives and model appropriate classroom interaction. While interacting with students the teacher must be positive, encouraging, and redirect inappropriate student behaviors. How students react to teachers is as important as the information being presented in class.

American Public University (APU), part of American Public University System, and Northern Virginia Community College today announced a transfer credit agreement. NOVA is Virginia’s largest institution of higher education and one of America’s largest community colleges.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Fred Stielow, the Associate Vice President and Dean of Libraries and Educational Materials at American Public University System; a lot of you may be the way I was at the beginning of my relationship with online education… What’s an Online Library? Why would I need it when there’s one down the street?