By Robin L. Thompson, DM
Faculty Member, Intelligence Studies Program at American Military University

The many political games and power plays occurring throughout the world on a daily basis are not always as they appear. Members of the intelligence community (IC) must proactively seek out clues and dig deeper to fully comprehend what is really happening behind the scenes.

What exactly is terrorism? Those familiar with the study of terrorism know that there is not a universally accepted definition. However, there are many similarities in most accepted definitions. AMU intelligence studies professor Dr. James Hess discusses how the United Nations and United States define terrorism and the key differences between these definitions.

By Dr. Stephen Schwalbe
Faculty Member, Public Administration at American Public University

The latest military confrontation in Europe began recently in Ukraine. In the middle of June, Russia announced that it would respond to any moves by the United States to build up military capabilities in Eastern Europe by fortifying its western border. In other words, this is a new post-Cold War arms race in the making.

The speed at which technology has advanced in recent years is mind blowing, but many public safety agencies struggle to understand available technology. The bottom line is that technology is not going away. Leaders and administrators must seek to understand how technology works, how it can be applied, and, most importantly, how it can help further their mission of protecting and serving the public.

In the month of July, In Public Safety will feature articles written by American Military University faculty members about the benefits and challenges of technology in public safety agencies.