by Bradley Hood, Student Contributor
American Military University

When I transferred to American Military University in 2009, I had a year of credits from a traditional brick-and-mortar university and the vague impression that my military training was worth something. At the time I was a junior Marine in the Selected Marine Corps Reserve, with only a few PME courses under my belt, and no idea where to even find a record or the value of these courses. Fortunately I had excellent leadership, and I was directed to acquire what was then known as a SMART Transcript. SMART stands for: Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript, the name fully explaining the use of its acronym.

by Kirk R Contributor

Today in my Google Alerts, I got an interesting alert. It’s for a report published by the Gov’t Accounting Office (GAO) and their findings of the VA’s administration of Education Benefits. Veteran education benefits came to the forefront of the media in the past couple of months, so the GAO publishing this report is very timely indeed.