APU Careers Careers & Learning

Networking Lesson from the Playground

By Rowe Leathers
Contributor, Career Services

Whether or not we realize it, many of us experienced our first business lesson on the playground playing kickball. Every kid wanted to be picked first for a team. Full of excitement and energy, everyone rallied to be on the best team with the best team captain. This still holds true today in our professional network.

On the playground, team members were chosen based on their abilities: Joey was a fast runner, Ally was good at hitting targets and Kevin could kick the ball best. For players who were not kickball superstars, support was offered encouraging them to do their best. Today, as professionals cultivating a business network, we could benefit by applying the same philosophy.

Look at your network to identify the best players. Who can help you develop professionally and ultimately, who can you help become better?

As working adults, we are free to choose the members of our network. Our professional circle should include people we aspire to be and those whom we can help. Professional development can develop organically, even in casual situations. When we spend time with someone who has a skill we want to develop, we become inspired and pick up nuances of the art that cannot be learned from formal training. Similarly, when we help others, we tap into our own need to make a difference and raise up others so that they may reach their potential. Professional networks take time to build, nurture, and cultivate and because they must be built with intent, we should build them strategically.

[Related article: 8 Tips For More Effective Networking]

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