AMU Cyber & AI

Daily Cyber Defense Brief 11 Jan 2017

By James Lint
Faculty Member, School of Business, American Military University
Senior Editor for
 In Cyber Defense and Contributor, In Homeland Security

Insiders vs. Outsiders: What’s the Greater Cybersecurity Threat?

Digital Guardian created a great infographic. I like their infographic discussing the greater cyber security threat between insiders and outside threats.  It further dives into motives, targets and methods. The graphic has an interesting answer. In their part on nation-state sponsored attackers, I may not agree. Nation-states rarely attack. That would be an act of war, and attribution may be easier. Often, nation-states use cyber espionage. That gives nation-states the biggest payoff.

Security scare over hackable heart implants  Posted by Graham Cluley on WeLiveSecurity

This hype on security of medical devices is playing to a large crowd of seniors. These are our lowest informed cyber security citizens. They are a growing part of the population. The issue is real which is bringing US-CERT into the arena for the government. A grassroots organization that is focus on multiple computer security areas including medical is called I Am The Cavalry (IATC). This organization of independent security researches has done a lot of work to include educating Congressional Staff on future potential legislation. See the above article, but realize there are organizations that are working these issues. It was good that WeLiveSecurity helped bring education and focus to the public.

Protection Against Advanced Persistent Threats to Your Data by Avaya Blog

In this multiple-part article that Ed Koehler posted on the Avaya blog, Koehler discusses the issues about Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). It is not unusual to to hear about data breaches. APTs are often conducted by groups of people overseas and they are persistent. Often, these groups receive bonuses for their success. Many of the APTs do not damage equipment, but conduct cyber espionage instead.  Ed Koehler has a good start on this topic in this new series of articles.

This article highlights cyber news that influences cyber defenders. Information is retrieved from aggregators and credit given to them.

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