APU Careers Careers & Learning

Bad Habit Slimdown, Week 4: Stifle the Profanity

By J. Mason
Online Career Tips Editor

Being known around the office as the “sailor” without a history at sea could be an issue. If the term “curse like a sailor” hits close to home then it could be time to clean up your act. While a bar of soap isn’t recommended, some self-restraint may be in order.

There are certain things in corporate culture that are still considered taboo. For example, violating social norms for dress, visible tattoos and piercings, and using profanity. Using colorful language may be a way to blow off steam, but it may come across as immature and at times hostile. It also shows to others that you don’t have a more intelligent reaction to a frustrating situation. Try a few simple calming efforts before using a few colorful four letter words to express your feelings.

  • Write it out. Express your frustration on paper, but don’t show it to anyone. The physical act of writing can reduce your stress and bring you back down to a level head.
  • Yell in your car. If you must yell or curse, do it in your car or a locked office.
  • Create a code for the frustration. Around kids “fudge” is an acceptable substitute, and “sugar” is one way to show you’re upset. Just make sure not to throw these around for the fun of coding your profanity outbursts.

While removing profanity from your vocabulary may be impossible, there should be a great effort made to avoid its use in the office.

How did you do on last week’s bad habit slimdown? Set time limits on your social media time in order to curb the “cravings!”

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