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Why It's a Good Idea to Arrive at Your New Job 'Naked'

By David E. Hubler
Contributor, Online Career Tips

Like being born, we all come into a new job naked. For many of us, that means tossing off old ideas and being ready to don new work methods on Day One. But others unfortunately are too shy to go into a new position stripped bare; so they wear their old garments for protection against the cold unknown of their new job. That can quickly lead to a quick and cold goodbye.

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As Monster’s career expert Vicki Salemi points out, “One of the most important things to do when you start a new job is to sit down with your boss and set clear expectations and understand your responsibilities.”

I have had several jobs during my career, and I have approached each one as a new opportunity to be my best. Most have worked out well; a few were disappointments. As the song says, “That’s life.”

When You Quickly Embrace the New Company Culture, It Rapidly Grows on You

An interesting thing happens when you quickly embrace the new company culture; it rapidly grows on you. If it’s a good fit, you most likely will be successful. But if it doesn’t fit, you’ll know soon enough.

That will tell you to start thinking about a move. After several years as a journalist and editor, I thought my next career move would naturally be into public relations. Not the best idea I ever had.

My new job consisted of trying to get media publicity for a group of business clients and drawing down their cash accounts. The larger the medium for which I found placements, the larger the fee I could withdraw from that client’s account and enter into our company’s ledger.

Often, I Could Not Find a Match, So That Meant $0 in Our Till

The hook was that all too often, I could not find a working match. Even worse, there were times when the client opted not to be associated with the medium that I had found for the placement. That meant $0 in our till.

I began to get the idea that I was not suited for the job when 1) I started to dread going into the office each morning and 2) there were fewer and fewer exchanges with the boss. The day of reckoning came one mid-morning when I was called into the HR office. I could tell that something was up because the entire office was empty. The staff had been instructed to go to a nearby restaurant to watch the boss be interviewed on TV. I received no such instruction.

My Dismissal Came So Fast, I Did Not Have Time to Say Goodbye

My dismissal came so fast that I did not have time to even say goodbye to anyone; certainly not the boss, who was before the TV cameras at that moment. But once on the street, a sense of euphoria washed over me and with it the PR outfit that didn’t fit. If I had worn a hat that day, I would’ve tossed it in the air higher even than Mary Tyler Moore did. I was ready to go forth…naked again.

A New Job Offers a Chance to Start a New Slate and Have an Exciting Future

The idea of course is to recognize that you have a completely new slate on Day One of your new job. In most cases, your new colleagues will welcome you because you most likely will provide needed assistance and even lessen their workload.

So shed the past at the door, and prepare for an exciting and valued future.

David E. Hubler brings a variety of government, journalism and teaching experience to his position as a Quality Assurance Editor. David’s professional background includes serving as a senior editor at CIA and the Voice of America. He has also been a managing editor for several business-to-business and business-to-government publishing companies.

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