By Jason Smeltzer
It is no secret that the southern United States border is actively under siege. Underground tunnels are being constructed at this moment to smuggle drugs and weapons into and out of Mexico. Ruthless drug lords are waging a bloody war over territory and using brutal terror tactics. The terrorist tactics employed by the drug lords include torture, public beheadings, vicious rapes, kidnappings, shootings, extortion and political assassinations to acquire the only thing that matters; the power to transport drugs into the veins of America.
The fact is that more casualties have been suffered in the Mexican drug war than the war on terror. Close to 48,000 people have been killed in cartel violence and with just over 5,000 people missing, the conflict has easily become bloodier than the battles in Iraq and Afghanistan. Keep in mind that the 48,000 have died since 2006 when the Mexican drug war escalated and the Iraqi operations have gone on since late 2001. Yet, the media tends to focus upon the events in the Middle East rather than the southern border.
The weekly video and photo barrage of bodies spread across the televisions in the living rooms of Americans lasts for only a few minutes. Common sense would dictate that a war within close proximity of the United States would draw more attention than Kim Kardashian, but it is clear that people would rather see a beautiful woman than a mangled body. More alarming than the lack of attention from the media is the lack of attention from the nation’s leaders. Even the prospective leaders of the free world have not addressed the issue.
None of the Presidential candidates have addressed the conflict in Mexico. They bicker over the same old smoldering political ash, as has been done since the inception of Presidential elections. How can a Presidential candidate not even mention such an immediate threat to Homeland Security? How can the soon-to-be leaders of the free world not even bring up the Mexican drug war? Not to do so is more than ignorant it is disgraceful.
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