
virtual career fair


Career-Fairs-APUSBy Jessica Moore
Contributor, Career Services

2016 is an exciting year full of opportunities like never before to connect with industry professionals. In order to create a more focused career fair experience, the Department of Career Services will be offering industry-specific Virtual Career Fairs (VCFs) throughout the year. This format allows students and alumni to connect with recruiters who are hiring within an industry. A VCF offers many benefits for students and alumni, including access to our university job board, career coaching opportunities, and the opportunity to connect with recruiters in real time.

A VCF is a virtual platform where students and alumni can interface with employers, while remaining in the comfort of their own homes. Much like a traditional career fair, students should come prepared to meet with recruiters from prospective employers and to market themselves as top-notch candidates. It is important to thoroughly research the employers who attend the VCF and find out important information such as what positions are available, the company’s mission, and the company’s current news.

By Jacquelyn Brookins
Contributor, Career Services

I remember the pressure I felt when trying to determine what my major would be. For some reason, making that choice felt like a decision that would be etched in stone, determining my professional livelihood for eternity. I know I cannot be the only one that experienced this heavy weight of choosing a path and sticking to it.

Have you felt like your major will bind you to an industry? Even more frightening is the thought that you’ll get a job in the field you desired, only to find out it wasn’t a fit or what you had hoped for. I have great news to put those discouraging thoughts at bay. Your major and educational background is more transferrable than you might think.

By Ann Eastham
Contributor, Career Services

In a previous blog, I introduced the idea of job seekers attending Virtual Career Fairs (VCF’s). It is a valuable recruiting tool that is becoming more and more popular; but what should you expect from this new form of recruiting?

A VCF is essentially a platform that hosts private chats between you and a recruiter. Each VCF may be different in specifically how the chats are handled; however, you will typically be able to chat one-on-one with a recruiter.

You should expect to make a connection with the recruiter rather than walk away with a job offer. You should consider the event a success if you end the chat with the recruiter’s direct email or LinkedIn profile for follow up purposes; especially if the recruiter asks you to send them your resume!

By Ann Eastham
Contributor, Career Services

Growing up, I always heard the old adage, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know”. Networking for jobs was done in person, and when I was looking for my first few jobs, I simply walked in the front door of where I wanted to work (or who had a hiring sign in the window) and asked for an application. Much to the frustration of job hunters who grew up like me, times have changed. The job hunt and application process have moved online, and career fairs are now moving to the digital space.

Whether you are retiring from the military, transitioning from the classroom, or simply looking to move into the public service field, identifying and communicating your military service and other skills to potential employers is essential. However, translating your skills can be a daunting task. While you may possess the necessary experience, not properly communicating what you have to offer can be detrimental to your job search. Here are some tips and advice on how to communicate your skills to employers.

By Cathy Francois
Contributor, Career Services

The idea of virtual career fair is a relatively new concept. These days, just about anything can be facilitated through technology, and a career fair is no exception. We can pay our bills, go to classes, chat with friends, and even lock our front doors with a quick tap of a button. As a career coach, I am still asked, “What’s a virtual career fair,” and, “How does it work?” Although you are not meeting recruiters or hiring manager’s in-person, there are several positives to attending a virtual career fair, and all job seekers should take advantage of this unique opportunity.

It’s graduation season and an exciting time for celebration. You can just hear the orchestra playing March No. 1 (more commonly known as “Pomp and Circumstance”) and see yourself walking across the stage while your family and friends cheer you on. Then you fade back into reality as you realize now the real work begins. Now it’s time to make use of the degree you worked so hard to complete and find a job to begin your career. But where do you start? Here are some tips to jet set your job search.

As the days before the virtual career fair sponsored by APUS grow fewer, it is important to start preparing yourself in advance. Steve Ressler, of fedsmith.com, shares six tips for getting your mindset focused on a virtual career fair.