


By Daniel Burrus, Business2Community.com
Special to Online Career Tips

Are you becoming increasingly irrelevant in the eyes of your employer or the marketplace because your education and training has not been keeping up with the dramatic changes that are taking place in your industry? To have job security and increase your earning power both now and in the future, you need to boost your relevance by learning new things. The challenge is knowing what to learn, what courses to take, and what degrees will position you to thrive in the years ahead.

 By James Deater

Recently the United States Supreme Court ruled that the use of GPS tracking devices to track the whereabouts of a suspected criminal is considered a search. The results of this ruling now requires police to obtain search warrants and/or court orders in order to use these devices. This has had a major impact on those police agencies and investigative units who rely on GPS technology to track suspected criminals engaged in illegal activities.