
space studies


satellite-3d-printingBy C. Tod Pingrey
Faculty Member, Space Studies at American Public University

The latest printing technology–3D printing–has gone out of this world. NASA will soon take printing to a whole new level. On Sept. 23, the first 3D printer arrived at the the International Space Station (ISS) aboard SpaceX’s unmanned Dragon capsule. .

3D printing is the process of building an object, layer by layer, out of many different types of material including metal, plastic, and composite material. There are high hopes that this new printing technology will expand the station’s manufacturing capabilities. Although having replacement parts sent to the ISS is costly and time consuming, this new capability is expected to decrease resupply efforts from Earth while cutting costs by creating the possibility of fixing station issues with just a switch of a button.

By Dave Syndergaard
Faculty Member, Space Studies at American Public University

Systems engineering is both an art and a science. It answers the big-picture questions. Formulas and equations are used less often than sheer brainpower, keen organizational skills, and critical thinking. Systems engineering can be taught but also must be practiced.

By Katie Berryhill
Assistant Professor of Space Studies at American Public University

Astronomy is one of the most popular classes that students take to satisfy a general education science requirement. Students’ initial curiosity also makes astronomy an excellent vehicle to teach critical thinking skills, and help students to navigate the information they encounter in the world (whether about science of anything else).

By Rachel A. Adler
Online Learning Tips Contributor

The Apollo 11 mission motivated a generation of innovators, technologist, mathematician, dreamers, scientist and engineers. The Moon Landing confirmed that, if you could dream it, arouse it, campaign it, and finance it, almost anything could be accomplished. The Apollo 11 Mission had three major factors…

Dr. James Reilly (JR) held an AMA on Reddit recently and answered questions about his experience on the International Space Station, how NASA follows up on astronauts post-missions, what it was like to see Earth from space, and what zero gravity felt like.