
nuclear weapons


If you’re curious about an arms race, covert operations, and what’s on the horizon for conflict in the Middle East (in regards to nuclear weapons) then this webcast is sure to whet your curious appetite.

The live webcast event takes place on:
Friday, October 8, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET.

With a history of perpetual conflict, the Middle East is a region of the world where cultures of various politics and religions collide. As the current arms race between these countries accelerates, there is undoubtedly a single key to ensure regional dominance: nuclear power. But how will the rest of the world react to the possibility of nuclear-armed countries with unstable borders and warring factions?

Join American Military University for this live webcast that will explore how nuclear weapons will shape the future of the Middle East over the next decade. Our guest speaker, Counterintelligence Officer William Tucker, will cover:

  • Conflicts in the Middle East
  • Iran as a nuclear power
  • Cover Operations
  • The rest of the world’s involvement
  • The future of the Middle East

At the end of the presentation you can join the speakers for a Q&A session on topics discussed.