


By: J. Mason
Online Career Tips Staff

Looking for a job in today’s economy is about persistence, experience, and a little bit of luck. The perfect job could open up at the start of your search, or you can spend months looking for a position that fits your backup plan. It’s important to keep your mind open, and have a willingness to concede if the timing calls for it.

The founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, was recently interviewed by Mashable on what he thought were sound job searching tips. One that spoke to me was #3, “use ABZ Planning.” Like I stated earlier, it’s like having 2 backups. A is where you are now, B is what you want to change to, and Z is if A and B just aren’t working at the moment.

[6 Tips to Leverage Your LinkedIn Profile to Land a Job]

I consider B as a backup plan, especially if you’re A is looking for a position. If you’re looking to start working, while waiting for that perfect position to fall into your lap, then look at something related to your field of interest. Consider consulting on the side for friends, old colleagues, or even friends of family. It’s one way to get your foot in the door, and to keep you apprised of the latest in your field.

[related: “It’s the Economy, Stupid!”]

How do you stand out and get noticed among all the other job seekers on LinkedIn? If you’re unsure of how to answer that question then you’re in the right place. Our tech contributor, Dan Soschin, shares his insight and expertise on the social website, and how to get the most influence and traffic to your profile. Check out his tips, in our podcast, on how to leverage your profile on LinkedIn.

Just like most companies, there’s a quarterly report sent to internal stakeholders about how the business is doing. Make time in your calendar every quarter to update your profile and resume on LinkedIn so potential employers and colleagues know what you’ve been up to.