
career tips


Do you get sweaty palms during an interview with a potential employer? Maybe you develop a stutter or your  mind goes blank and you forget which language to speak. This could all be in your head and a result of being intimidated by difficult interview questions. Don’t let the pressure get you down. Instead take a firm grasp of the situation and keep a cool head.

Need more inspiration? Check out this great post by Tania Khadder on the “15 Toughest Interview Questions (and Answers!)Take some mental notes or log these tips into your smartphone so you can get an “A” on your next interview and get the job you want.

J. Mason

We’ve all heard the do’s when going for a job interview. They include things like what to wear, what to say and how to act. This is not one of those articles. With this Online Career Tip we will give you the other side of the story. We will be telling you what not to wear, what not to say and how not to act.

Your boss makes a few comments on a project and asks you to make the changes before sending it on. In the hustle and bustle of the day youaccidentally send it on without making their changes. You were not malicious just caught with a lack of attention to detail. Now what?