


By William Tucker

Regime officials have finally confirmed a bombing at the staff command compound that killed four Syrian soldiers. The staff command compound is part of the larger military headquarters area located in Damascus. Shortly after the bombing firefights erupted throughout the city between the regime and rebel forces. How these battles have played out thus far is unknown, but it is remarkable that the opposition seems to maintain the ability to strike at targets deep within the capital at will. Despite lacking the training and armaments of the loyalists in the Syrian military, the opposition has managed to stay relevant despite the continuous attacks by the regime. Although the opposition has made strides in their campaign to unseat president al-Assad, they still have a long way to go.

By William Tucker

A tour bus carrying Israeli tourists was struck by a terrorist bombing today killing 7 and wounding another 32. According to eyewitness accounts, the explosion took place shortly after the passengers began boarding the bus. This suggests that the bomb was the work of a suicide bomber, or the device was detonated remotely by someone in the vicinity.

By William Tucker

A reported attack on the National Security building in Damascus has killed three top Syrian ministers and wounded several others. Unfortunately, none of the information surrounding the reported attack can be verified. Two groups did, however, claim responsibility for the attack – the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Lord of the Martyrs Brigade. State run media did confirm an attack took place.

By William Tucker

A suicide bomber struck a police academy in Sana’a Yemen killing eight and wounding another 15. As of this writing al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has not officially claimed responsibility for the attack; however AQAP has made numerous threats against the Yemeni government in response to the counterterrorism operations that have been ongoing since May. Furthermore, the tactics and target of today’s attack strongly suggest that AQAP was involved.

By William Tucker

Iran was accused of launching yet another attack today; however a strange confluence of events caused the plan to rapidly fall apart. It appears as if a bomb prematurely detonated in a home rented by four Iranian nationals. This can happen due to poor construction, or mishandling when attempting to place the device. Three of the suspects managed to flee, while the remaining suspect tried to hail a taxi.

By William Tucker

The Somali militant group al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for a car bombing at the Hotel Muna in Mogadishu on Wednesday. Local officials told the media that 15 people were killed in the blast and further 20 were wounded. Hotel Muna is popular with Somali politicians and was the target of another attack in 2010.