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How Employers Can Benefit from Hiring Military Veterans

By Dr. Jarrod Sadulski
Faculty Member, Criminal Justice

July is an important month because it is not only the time when we celebrate our nation’s independence on the Fourth of July, but it is also National Hire a Veteran Day on July 25. Marine Corps veteran Dan Caporale started National Hire a Veteran Day in 2017 in order to help military veterans.

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The Benefits of Hiring Veterans

Veterans make excellent job candidates because they acquire many skills in the military that translate well to the civilian workplace. For example, servicemembers are taught organization skills, leadership, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills during their time in the military.

Furthermore, servicemembers are required to hold themselves to a high ethical standard and are often disciplined and self-directed individuals, making them highly sought-after employees.  In addition, military veterans typically receive high-quality training during their service that can translate to non-military employment.

The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs encourages employers to hire veterans because they bring a good work ethic, teamwork, tenacity and a determination to succeed to the workplace. Servicemembers go through a stringent screening process to become part of the military and are required to maintain very high standards in terms of their conduct.

Another benefit to hiring veterans is that they often work well under stress. Beginning with basic training, servicemembers are taught how to make good decisions in demanding environments. This military training and experience enable veterans to remain calm, make smart decisions under pressure, and be very resilient in highly stressful workplace situations.

Servicemembers Are Accustomed to Multi-Tasking and Leadership

In the military, it is common for servicemembers to have multiple duties. These responsibilities help veterans to prepare for the non-military workplace, because these servicemembers become skilled in balancing and prioritizing multiple tasks to meet company goals or missions.

Servicemembers are often given leadership responsibilities early in their careers, and the military invests heavily in leadership training for its servicemembers. As a result, veterans are more likely to be successful in non-military businesses when they are hired for leadership roles.

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The Military Often Provides Servicemembers with Training for the Civilian Workplace

Servicemembers who leave active duty commonly receive job training to help them transition to the civilian workplace. This training includes resume writing and translating common military jargon to civilian workforce terminology. To prepare for civilian employment, these servicemembers may also have military certifications that can be adapted for various trade jobs in the civilian workplace.

Additional Resources for Employers Seeking to Hire Veterans

The month of July and especially Hire a Veteran Day is a great time to support the hiring of veterans. They have a unique respect for on-the-job procedures as the result of military discipline, and they make excellent job candidates.

According to Hire Veterans, there are 18 million veterans in the United States, which is a substantial talent pool. Employers also help veterans by partnering with military support organizations and programs to access the veteran hiring pool.

For example, the Department of Labor’s Regional Veterans’ Employment Coordinators work with employers on the local, regional, and national level to facilitate the hiring of veterans. Another resource to hire veterans is the organization Recruit Military, which offers virtual and in-person career fairs to connect veterans and employers. 

Jarrod Sadulski

Dr. Jarrod Sadulski is an associate professor in the School of Security and Global Studies and has over two decades in the field of criminal justice. He holds a bachelor’s degree Criminal Justice from Thomas Edison State College, a master’s degree in criminal justice from American Military University and a Ph.D. in criminal justice from Northcentral University. His expertise includes training on countering human trafficking, maritime security, mitigating organized crime, and narcotics trafficking trends in Latin America. Jarrod has also testified to both the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate on human trafficking and child exploitation. He has been recognized by the U.S. Senate as an expert in human trafficking. Jarrod frequently conducts in-country research and consultant work in Central and South America on human trafficking and current trends in narcotics trafficking. Also, he has a background in business development. For more information on Jarrod and links to his social media and website, check out

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