Doctoral student Isabelle Vladoiu has won two presidential awards for her work to educate people around the world about human rights.
Hiring managers often have misconceptions about the value veterans and military servicemembers can bring to an organization. Learn about the benefits veterans can bring to the civilian workforce.
Hear from our graduates about their dedication and perseverance in achieving their academic goals. Also listen to accolades from the faculty members who helped them get there!
Why did Putin invade Ukraine now? No one really knows, despite endless speculation in the media. Hear how the invasion of Ukraine has been influenced by the media.
Why is strength still associated with masculinity? In this episode, hear from a 24-year Marine Corps veteran about the cultural changes shifting the perception that strength and power are masculine traits.
Why do nations still wage war against each other? In this episode, learn about the national security strategy, what issues lead to armed conflict, and the role of ethics.
In this episode, Dr. Bjorn Mercer talks to APU program director Dr. Tom Kelly about the history of each major party’s political convention to nominate a presidential candidate. Also learn why there’s unlikely to ever be a viable third-party candidate.
Do law enforcement agencies incorporate too many military tactics and equipment in their policing efforts? In this episode, Dr. Bjorn Mercer talks to AMU Criminal Justice program director, Dr. Chuck Russo, about the origins of the military and domestic law enforcement as well as the benefits and downfalls of ongoing collaboration and more.