APU Careers Careers & Learning

4 Social Networking Communities That Offer Professional Development

beneficial-professional-social-networksBy Tiffany Young
Online Career Tips Contributor 

I used to think professional development meant obtaining a formal degree of some sort, or a certificate from an on-site training program. I never would have thought of getting training from social media. However, it dawned on me that my most beneficial career learning experiences have occurred through social networking.

I recently received an email from LinkedIn that a former colleague landed a new job. I clicked the link to congratulate her and, as I exited her profile page, LinkedIn suggested several community groups to join that host webinars monthly. I thought, great–I’ll join.

By using social networks you can open up new opportunities to learn about your industry, and to build up your career. I started by building up my presence on social media platforms to enhance my knowledge of the PR industry, and surrounding communities. Then, I explored the networks and information sharing resources.

Here are four social networking sites that can jump start your professional development:

On YouTube you can find video resources about every topic imaginable. For me, seeing someone solve a problem first is very helpful. Instructional videos on YouTube are the number one interactive social media tool for professional development.

Your Facebook friend could be your next boss, so be engaging. This social networking giant has introduced an extensive array of tools that can be used effectively for professional growth. Facebook groups, business pages, and events are great ways of communicating with experts, spreading new ideas, and building contacts. You can also build your network by adding friends and staying engaged with what’s relevant in your industry by sharing articles and making comments.

This social network definitely has a learning curve associated with it, but it won’t be much time before you get familiar with the terminology. Use Twitter to connect with like-minded professionals, follow news stories and trends, and connect with learning resources. Twitter chats around a particular subject area are a great way to learn and make new connections.

LinkedIn was created for professionals looking to connect with each other. You can create resumes, find jobs, and host discussions. Don’t forget to first complete your profile.

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