


Emergency and disaster management briefing for March 9, 2018: Nor’easter leaves nearly half a million without power as another storm looms on the horizon, an alleged accidental shooting at a high school leaves one dead and one wounded in Alabama, a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps faces a hate crime charge, Kentucky seeks to hold another corporation responsible in its fight against the opioid epidemic, a massive chemical fire that killed at least three erupted in India early Friday, cheerleaders attending a competition in Dallas may have been exposed to the mumps, new research suggests that everyday use of a web browser leaves you ripe for hacking, and more than 800 pet oxygen masks are donated to a Detroit fire department.

  1. Nearly half a million people were [link url=”http://abcnews.go.com/US/noreaster-moves-area-3rd-storm-hit-early-week/story?id=53603257″ title=”without power as of midnight on Thursday”] after a nor’easter, the second inside of a week, slammed into the East Coast of the United States. The [link url=”http://abcnews.go.com/US/noreaster-moves-area-3rd-storm-hit-early-week/story?id=53603257″ title=”fierce snow storm killed at least one person, dumped 2 to 3 feet of snow over the region”], knocked out power lines, downed trees, and impacted travel by causing the cancellation of at least 3,200 flights and [link url=”http://abcnews.go.com/US/hundreds-cars-stranded-jersey-highway-hours-noreaster/story?id=53602420″ title=”stranding hundreds of drivers on the roads”]. As residents throughout the region dig out from the storm, weather forecasters are already warning of the likely potential of yet a third nor’easter–set to impact the Northeast as early as Monday. 
  2. Police in Alabama have stated that [link url=”https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/student-killed-another-critical-after-accidental-shooting-birmingham-school-n854691″ title=”one female student has died following what they are calling an accidental shooting”] at an area high school on Wednesday. Classes had let out for the day, but the school issued a temporary lockdown to ensure the safety of other students. The 17-year-old student attended Huffman High School in Birmingham, and police are still investigating the incident, [link url=”https://www.reuters.com/article/us-alabama-shooting/alabama-student-dies-in-accidental-school-shooting-officials-idUSKCN1GJ3BF” title=”which also resulted in another person being injured”], a male, who was taken to an area hospital, treated, and released.  
  3. A former member of the U.S. Marine Corps is facing multiple charges, including a hate crime, [link url=”http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/09/man-charged-with-hate-crime-after-driving-truck-into-store-believed-was-muslim-owned-authorities-say.html” title=”after driving his white pickup truck into a store he allegedly thought was owned by Muslims”]. The suspect was identified as Chad Horsley, 27, of Denham Springs, Louisiana, and the store he targeted in Watson, Louisiana, [link url=”http://www.miamiherald.com/article203902799.html” title=”was actually owned by Sikhs, not Muslims”]. Damage to the store front was estimated to be about $4,000.  
  4. Kentucky’s Attorney General has filed the fourth lawsuit for its state that targets corporations allegedly involved in the opioid epidemic that is sweeping the nation. [link url=”http://www.lex18.com/story/37679622/beshear-sues-amerisourcebergen-for-allegedly-supplying-dangerous-levels-of-prescription-painkillers-to-kentucky” title=”The lawsuit was filed against AmerisourceBergen”], who is accused of supplying excessive amounts of opioid drugs to the state–nearly 32 percent–and for failing to report suspicious orders to state and federal authorities. The state already filed charges against competitors, Cardinal Health Inc, and McKesson Corp, who along with AmerisourceBergen, [link url=”https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-opioids-kentucky/kentucky-sues-drug-distributor-amerisourcebergen-over-opioid-epidemic-idUSKCN1GK2K6″ title=”control 85 percent of the prescription drug market in the United States”].  
  5. A massive [link url=”http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/03/09/chemical-factory-fire-in-india-kills-at-least-3-injures-13.html” title=”chemical fire that erupted and spread to six other factories”] early Friday morning in India has killed at least three people and injured 13 others, three of them critically. The initial cause of the fire was a boiler explosion, but officials are unsure of what caused the boiler to explode. Reports indicate that [link url=”http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-43340745″ title=”at least several drums of chemicals located at the plant had also exploded”], causing concern among villagers.  
  6. Texas state health officials have [link url=”http://www.foxnews.com/health/2018/03/07/thousands-cheerleaders-possibly-exposed-to-mumps-after-texas-competition-health-officials-say.html” title=”alerted participants and spectators who attended a cheerleading competition”] in their state that they may have been exposed to the mumps virus. A letter to families stated that a person diagnosed with the virus may have exposed individuals to the mumps during the February 23-25 National Cheerleaders Association All-Star National Competition in Dallas. Officials indicated that [link url=”https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cheerleaders-warned-about-mumps-exposure-after-national-competition-n854571″ title=”people from 39 states, including over 23,500 athletes”], might have been exposed, and urged parents to watch for symptoms of infection that could include swollen glands, muscle aches, and low-grade fever.  
  7.  New data research suggests that [link url=”https://www.exabeam.com/security/criminals-can-build-web-dossier-browser/” title=”everyday use of a web browser leaves you ripe for hacking”] by cyber criminals. The research data shows that criminals can put together a web dossier for individuals by tracking a variety of sites someone visits, ascertaining location, habits, work hours, banks, and passwords. [link url=”http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/03/08/criminals-can-easily-hack-into-your-web-browser-report-says.html” title=”They mine data stored in an individual’s browser to gain the information”], including passwords, and the research suggests users can better protect themselves by using third party password managers, and through the use multi-factor authentication. 
  8. A fire department in Detroit, Michigan has received a donation of [link url=”http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/08/michigan-fire-department-receives-hundreds-donated-pet-oxygen-masks.html” title=”more than 800 pet oxygen masks”] that will help save family pets during fires and emergencies. The donations, which included 278 pet oxygen mask kits and the 800 masks, was partly spurred by a house fire that occurred in January, where they saved all but two of the family’s 17 pets. During an interview, the department noted [link url=”https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2018/03/08/detroit-fire-department-pet-oxygen-masks/32743163/” title=”its limited or lack of pet specialty equipment needed to save lives”] when rescuing animals. 

By Jinnie Chua

The Darknet provides a platform for countless crimes so law enforcement must be familiar with how it works. Here’s the basic information officers should know about what the Darknet is used for, how it’s related to bitcoin, and what can be done to address the illegal activity that occurs there.