CMSgt. Bentivegna’s, a University alumnus, gave a riveting keynote during SESA 2024, highlighting what the U.S. Space Force is doing to keep America ahead in space including collaboration, innovation and education.
SESA 2024 brought together some of the most brilliant minds in space studies to inspire the next generation of space explorers.
Military Appreciation Month: Take some time during the month of May to remember and honor our nation’s military service members and veterans.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day is March 29. It’s a day to memorialize the contributions that service members made during that conflict.
Forming an alliance with American Military University may help veteran business owners to empower their workforce.
Chinese spy balloon: While the idea of Chinese espionage is not new to anyone, now is the time to take more action.
International Volunteer Day: Volunteering to support veterans and active servicemembers helps to increase their morale.
Veterans Day is November 11. This important federal holiday honors our nation’s military veterans and is celebrated every year.