
military-friendly schools


By Frida Cooper

It’s a great honor and a privilege to serve in the military. But let’s also remember the great sacrifice made by family members of military personnel. They often don’t see or hear from their deployed loved ones for months on end. Sometimes, they aren’t allowed to even know where their loved ones are.

To reward their sacrifice, military dependents have been given opportunities and benefits to make their lives just a little easier. Military Spouse Career Advancement Account Program (MyCAA) funding is one such educational benefit provided to military spouses who wish to pursue an education. American Military University is one of the schools that encourages eligible military spouses to apply.

If you’re the spouse of a man or woman currently serving and you’re interested in higher learning, take note of these five reasons why you should consider applying for MyCAA funding.

1. It Prepares You for a Portable Career

MyCAA funding is provided for portable courses only. Which means, once you finish the course, you would be able to have a career in that field in any part of the world. This is a huge advantage for military spouses, as their lives are subjected to complete relocation every few years.

2. You Can Study Anywhere

Most MyCAA-approved schools provide online courses that you can take at home. You can complete all classes from the comfort of your couch. There is no fixed routine, so you can complete the coursework when you have time, so long as you meet assignment deadlines. All in all, it gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of time management.

3. Get $4,000 in Student Aid

If you are deemed eligible for MyCAA funding, a grant of $4,000 is given to cover the course tuition over a two-year span.

4. Application is quick and easy

Candidates who want to enroll in MyCAA-approved online schools need not worry about having to wait for months to get their applications approved. MyCAA applications take no more than two weeks to be processed from the date of application.

For added convenience, after your application is approved, the funds are directly transferred to the school you have chosen. At no point are you tasked with the responsibility of making sure the money reaches your school.

5. There Is No Limit to Educational Options

As previously mentioned, there are hundreds of MyCAA-approved online schools across the country, including American Military University. Most provide a large variety of courses and programs that are related to portable careers. Career Step, an online career school, has been approved by the United States Department of Defense to train military spouses. It offers a whole range of courses in healthcare, administration, and technology. You can complete a course in as little as 4 months for anything between $3,000 and $4,000.

I hope this was enough to convince you to get in touch with your MyCAA advisor and get started on your application today.

About the Author:

Frida Cooper has been working as a career guidance counselor for about 12 years. She’s stayed on top of growing industry trends through market research and interaction with young students and working professional alike. Her hobbies include swimming, meditation, and music. She believes that everyone can enjoy a lucrative career by paying close attention to their passions and aptitudes.

American Military University is on Ken Blackwell’s mind.

Ken Blackwell is the former Cincinnati mayor and Ohio Secretary of State who ran unsuccessfully for governor of Ohio in 2006. In this article for The Daily Caller, he compliments AMU for its record in helping military veterans continue their higher learning to help them prepare for professional life after they leave the service.

Veterans Deserve The Choice Of Quality Higher Education, Including For-Profit AMU

Silvestre Reyes, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1997 to 2013 representing Texas’s 16th district, writes in this blog post for The Hill that Congress should not be eager to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak, when it comes to for-profit universities.

Reyes, a U.S. Army veteran who was wounded in the Vietnam War, believes that access to good for-profit schools, such as American Military University, is a benefit to current and former military personnel looking to expand their education:

Ensure Opportunity for Military and Veterans to Attend Top-Tier For-Profit Schools

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With those differences in mind, NerdScholar’s Gianna Sen-Gupta has put together a list of tips for the Huffington Post that can help veterans make the right decision about which school to attend.

6 Tips to Help Veterans Choose the Best College

By Craig Gilman
Faculty member with American Military University

Sometimes… life happens. It doesn’t matter how well or how far in advance you plan, some things simply cannot be anticipated. While this is true for anyone, for those serving in the military, odds are life will happen sooner, rather than later. Whether you have finally signed up for that first class or are only a couple of classes away from graduation, life simply does not care. However, if you take the right attitude and approach, your professors and university should.

Have you ever seen the term “military-friendly” used in an advertising campaign or on the Internet by a college or university? Ever wonder what it actually means? Although an astute military student could probably suggest several dozen factors relating to policies, services, and processes that pertain to military-friendliness, one only has to turn to Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) to grasp the concept.