AMU Intelligence North America Terrorism

Domestic Terror Threat on the Rise

By Professor Jenni Hesterman, Counterterrorism Expert
(source: Information Security Resources)
Last Thursday, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee opened hearings on the Fort Hood tragedy.
One of the topics on the agenda is the rising domestic terror threat. But this alarm was sounded months ago, in Apr 09, when DHS released their report entitled Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.
The report was heavily covered in the news, but only for these statements:
“Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.”
“The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.”
DHS was called out by veteran’s groups, Congress, et al. Janet Napolitano had to apologize for it.
The pundits thought it was somehow political – a complete insult to our hardworking GS employees who have been at their desks, analyzing threats for decades.
The sad part — the statements are exactly on target. Veterans will be recruited due to their skill set.
There has been firearms and ammo “hoarding” and returning veterans may have issues that lead to violent acts.
Timothy McVeigh was a military veteran sworn to protect and defend the very country he attacked. And due to the veteran controversy, the rest of the report was ignored.
In the meantime, we’ve had several high profile domestic terror issues in our country.
Najibullah Zazi, an al Qaeda sympathist and now confirmed operative, was arrested for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction in our country.
The FBI infiltrated two separate domestic terror plots.
The subjects tried to deploy the dummy devices purchased from agents-one outside a federal courthouse in Springfield, Ill and another in a Dallas skyscraper.
And it has come to light that two North Carolina men under arrest since July on international terrorism charges were also planning to kill U.S. military personnel.
Anarchists stormed Pittsburgh, causing fear among the citizens and casting new light on their anti-government agenda.
David Headley from Chicago, formerly known as Daood Gilani, was recruiting terrorists abroad to conduct operations.
And Nadal Hasan opened fires into a crowd of unarmed citizens (not combatants) – on the former sanctuary of a military base.
We shouldn’t be surprised by these events. The DHS report was an absolute gem – it was actionable intelligence.
For the first time, we had current analysis and it was in the hands of our civilian populace, which could be a powerful force multiplier in this fight — if educated about the threat.
The report was pure and unfiltered. It wasn’t routed through every last agency for comment (and watered down accordingly).
It is a shame the reaction in our country centered around two very true and factual statements, instead of the shock and concern about the rising threat among us.
Thanks to the overreaction, I am afraid we will never see a report like that again in the public domain.
Here is a link to the entire report, I highly suggest you take a look:

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