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Congratulations, 2022 Student Lightning Talk Winners!

By Susan Hoffman
Edge Managing Editor

During September 2022, the Office of Graduate Studies and Research challenged the University’s current students and alumni to participate in the 2022 Student Lightning Talk Competition as part of its annual “Research for the Public Good” conference. Research for the Public Good highlights the work of University faculty and students in a variety of live and on-demand formats.

For the 2022 Student Lightning Talk competition, formerly known as “Three-Minute Thesis,” participants had to provide a “Lightning Talk” and summarize a research project using a three-minute video and one visual image.

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How the 2022 Student Lightning Talk Competition Is Judged

Condensing all of one’s research into a short video and a visual image isn’t easy, but we are proud to say that eight students and alumni in the University community were inspired to take on this intellectual challenge! The prizes fell into three categories:

  • First place (determined by a faculty panel from several departments)
  • Second place (determined by a faculty panel from several departments)
  • People’s Choice (determined by virtual voting, with the winner determined by the number of votes the entry received)

This Year’s Winners of the 2022 Student Lightning Talk Competition

While deciding the winners of the 2022 Student Lightning Talk Competition was difficult due to the many excellent entries, certain participants stood out for the quality of their research and presentation. This year, we also had a tie for second place!

First Place Award

Chad Schlesinger
Current student
M.A. in Psychology
“Recognizing Excellence in Teaching: An I/O Psychology Intervention

Second Place Award (tied)

Kirstin King
M.S. in Public Health
“Discrepancies in Social Determinants of Health Between Races”

Suley Mendez
Current student
M.A. in Education: Teaching
“The Remedy to Surveillance Capitalism”

People’s Choice Award

Storm Young
Current student
M.S. in Environmental Policy and Management
“Important Rules for Professional Responsibility”

The Office of Graduate Studies and Research thanks everyone in the University community who participated in this annual contest, whether as an entrant, a voter or a judge. We look forward to seeing more of you enter the Student Lightning Talk Competition in 2023!

Susan Hoffman is a Quality Assurance Editor and an Edge Managing Editor, whose articles on business, education, and cybersecurity have appeared in multiple print and online publications. Susan is an award-winning blogger with expertise in social media, SEO, and content analytics, and she had 20 book reviews published by Military History magazine. Susan has a B.A. cum laude in English from James Madison University and an undergraduate certificate in electronic commerce from American Public University.

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