Israel’s decision is a new phase in the development of the international cooperation created by the Artemis Accords.
How were Branson, Bezos and Musk able to send people into space? There are seven important business lessons we can learn from all of them.
Learn about the James Webb Space Telescope, which was designed to answer some of the unanswered questions relating to the creation and size of the universe.
The 2021 UCF uniforms commemorate the space shuttle program’s 40th anniversary. This year, I am honored to be a name on the UCF helmets.
One of the most important parts of an analog mission is the opportunity to perform useful research that will ultimately impact NASA astronauts.
During their time at ILMAH, crew members of the University’s Analog Research Group (ARG-1) participated in several unique activities at the University of North Dakota (UND).
This fall, an adventurous team led by seasoned analog astronaut Bill O’Hara got to experience what astronaut life is really like at ILMAH.
Is there renewed public interest in manned space exploration? Learn from an astrobiologist about scientific modeling work aimed at better understanding the climate and habitability of Mars, Venus and other planets.