


Have you ever seen the term “military-friendly” used in an advertising campaign or on the Internet by a college or university? Ever wonder what it actually means? Although an astute military student could probably suggest several dozen factors relating to policies, services, and processes that pertain to military-friendliness, one only has to turn to Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) to grasp the concept.

By William Tucker

This has become an endless topic on which speculation is rife. Indeed, it’s been discussed here before. But will Israel really launch a military strike against Iran in the near future? Essentially, the answer is no. There are many reasons why Israel would refrain hitting Iran’s nuclear facilities such as military limitations and political considerations, but perhaps the main reason why is the lack of an existential threat.

By William Tucker

Iranian war games are well under way in the Strait of Hormuz. In the past few days several different Iranian politicians have made statements regarding the ease with which the Strait could be closed, thus disrupting much of the world’s oil supply. Although Iranian threats regarding the Strait have been ongoing for some time it is only recently that the U.S. issued a blunt response to these threats.

By William Tucker

The media has been buzzing today over comments made by Parviz Sarvari in which the Iranian politician claimed that Iran would soon war game the closing of the Strait of Hormuz. Tehran has been threatening to do so should the U.S. or Israel ever attack over the Iran’s nuclear program, but this may be bluster.