AMU recently spoke with Ambassador Jones about her time as U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the aftermath of the 2012 Benghazi attack.
Early on September 4, 2018, the Taliban stated that Jalaluddin Haqqani had finally succumbed after a long bout with Parkinson’s disease.
The Terror Threat Snapshot this month states that there were 157 homegrown terror plots in the United States – in 30 different states – since 2013.
By Andrew Bell
The strategies and responsibilities of the military and police have always overlapped, but after 9/11 their roles have merged even further. Learn more about this merged approach and how it is affecting American communities.
Countering lone-wolf terrorism in the 2020s will get more difficult. In this exclusive vlog, AMU’s Dr. Matt Crosston discusses the future of counterterrorism.
By Jason Whitehead
Prisons house all kinds of criminals who are often able to network and share dangerous ideologies with other inmates. Correctional staff need to know how to identify members of terrorist groups and intervene in their activities.
The Islamic State may not be able to carry out finely polished, well-executed attacks in every location, but it certainly remains capable of terrorism.
The world is a dangerous place with crimes and acts of terrorism committed every day. But are crime and terrorism the same thing?