December Terror Threat Snapshot: “We must strengthen our security to prevent more people from being radicalized and do all we can to thwart potential attacks.” – Rep. Michael McCaul.
Killing Terrorism: To effectively fight the “War on Terror,” we need a better understanding of the goals behind the actions of terrorist organizations.
Michael McCaul has released the latest Terror Threat Snapshot. In an exclusive with IHS, he offers his insights on the social media based terrorism problem.
By Dr. Randall Hanifen
Firefighters respond to a range of modern incidents including terrorist attacks. Even if it doesn’t follow the same route, what can the U.S. fire service learn from other countries that have nationalized their emergency services?
By Dr. Randall Hanifen
With numerous recent hate crimes causing multiple deaths and injuries, first responders must be prepared to act. Incident response planning now mitigates chaos in the event of a future hate-related attack.
The use of assassinations as a weapon to create (or thwart) change is nothing new. Terrorists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries used targeted killings to great effect.
Terror Caravan? Terrorist groups usually send people with no criminal history and clean background checks into the United States – via commercial airplanes.
As usual, the latest Terror Threat Snapshot paints a picture that should keep every American on his or her guard and vigilant.