
North America


Edward J. Hagerty, Ph.D.
Program Director, National Security Studies at American Military University

Israel is rattling sabers and forcefully denouncing Iranian negotiations over its nuclear program as merely a stalling tactic, while Washington and its allies prepare to meet soon in further efforts to deter Iran from its nuclear goals.  Could there be a settlement at hand, or will an Israeli strike lead to a wider regional conflict?

By William Tucker

The Associated Press, claiming an exclusive, is reporting that the CIA disrupted another airline bombing plot that was supposed to be an improvement upon the failed attempt over Detroit in 2009. Like the previous attempt, this bomb was constructed to be worn in the carriers underwear, however the design was improved and reportedly did not contain any metal parts.

By William Tucker

Last year, the Director of National Intelligence conducted a study on the efficiency of the Defense Intelligence Agency and found several areas that were in need of improvement. Unfortunately, the study was classified and the scope of the problems, and the problem areas, are not known in full detail. Press reports have stated that one area for improvement was expanding the scope of the DIA beyond tactical, battlefield intelligence.

By William Tucker

Whenever the president of the United States travels, he has a large body of personnel tagging along for the trip. Of course this includes his Secret Service detail, but also includes members of the military, advisers, staffers, communications specialists, etc. Because of the trappings of office, and the responsibilities that come with leading the world’s sole superpower, the president is perhaps the most well connected human being on the planet.

By William Tucker

Since the death of Kim Jong-Il in December of last year, two assumptions were made regarding the future of North Korea. One, Kim Jong-Un would order some form of provocative behavior without any sort of public warning to assert his hold on power, and two, the new leader would enjoy unquestioned rule. The problem with these assertions stems from a common misunderstanding of how North Korea functions.

By William Tucker

Over the past few weeks there have been small reports making their way through the press that suggest North Korea conducted two covert nuclear tests in 2010. Further adding to the intrigue is new reporting that suggests one of the tests was a weapon of Iranian design. There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of these claims, but perhaps the most compelling is the lack of any seismic data consistent with a nuclear detonation.

By Jason Smeltzer

It is no secret that the southern United States border is actively under siege. Underground tunnels are being constructed at this moment to smuggle drugs and weapons into and out of Mexico. Ruthless drug lords are waging a bloody war over territory and using brutal terror tactics. The terrorist tactics employed by the drug lords include torture, public beheadings, vicious rapes, kidnappings, shootings.