Tomorrow, Israeli citizens will go to the polls. This election will be Israel’s fifth election in slightly less than four years.
Iranian Protests: The spark for the latest round of civil unrest in Iran stems from the death of Mahsa Amini.
While the Amini protests are far from being the first time that violent mass demonstrations have occurred in Iran, this one feels different.
The Iranian Assassins: Eventually Iran may find success in one of these violent plots – forcing the U.S. to respond.
There are many reasons not to be optimistic about the future of the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip.
If Netanyahu decides to retire from politics, then Israel’s right-wing parties will form a coalition in no time.
Tension has been rising between Israel and Lebanon. Where does the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Israel end and Lebanon begin?
President Biden’s visit to the Middle East might save his legacy, or it might destroy any hopes he had of recovering it.