By John Ubaldi Special Contributor to In Homeland Security Amid reports of dissent inside the Obama administration regarding its…
By John Ubaldi
Special Contributor to In Homeland Security
In an unexpected announcement Friday, President Barack Obama announced the deployment of 1,500 additional military forces to Iraq.
By John Ubaldi
Special Contributor for In Homeland Security
The media coverage of November’s midterm election and the Ebola crisis, have effectively drowned out any and all other issues. Perhaps more importantly, it has diluted virtually all discussion regarding the U.S. airstrikes against ISIS.
By Mel Deaile, Ph.D.
Faculty Member, Military Studies at American Military University
America has seen the first case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States, the first transmission of Ebola in the United States, the first death from Ebola, and, most recently, a case of Ebola in New York, all within a month of the president saying the possibility of Ebola reaching America was unlikely.
By Dr. Patricia Campbell
Assistant Provost of Graduate Studies, Research, and Innovation at American Public University System
Ebola is more than a potential endemic; it is a prime example of the importance of viewing “security” much more broadly than traditional definitions, which have focused on power, military might, and defensive and offensive capabilities.