
Careers & Learning


by Kirk R Contributor

Today in my Google Alerts, I got an interesting alert. It’s for a report published by the Gov’t Accounting Office (GAO) and their findings of the VA’s administration of Education Benefits. Veteran education benefits came to the forefront of the media in the past couple of months, so the GAO publishing this report is very timely indeed.

by Col. Phil McNair
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, American Public University System

If you are in the military and interested in earning a college degree, chances are good that you are short on two things that might be holding you back: cash and time.  Let’s talk about the time issue.

Few active duty folks are fortunate enough to be sent to school full time on Uncle Sam’s dime.  Realistically, your military duty obligations or job requirements, coupled in many cases with family responsibilities, may leave you little free time for college.  And no matter how you look at it, earning a degree is going to be time-consuming

With the exception of the Navy, the popular Military Tuition Assistance program came to a screeching halt recently due to the Federal Sequestration.  After a congressional mandate and the backing of the President, the Army and Air Force reopened the tuition assistance program, and recently the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard restored tuition assistance to pre-sequestration numbers for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2013.