


What makes intelligence a daunting career choice is that the paths are ill-defined and often downright confusing. Unlike careers in law enforcement where you attend a training academy, there is no ROTC-like program to bring intelligence professionals into the workforce. Most people working in intelligence did not start their career in the field. So where do you start?

By Erik Kleinsmith

The aftermath of almost any spectacular terrorist attack follows a predictable pattern. It is the enduring challenge of intelligence analysts to discover and analyze such information ahead of time, to predict and preempt such an attack. Read more threat profiling techniques and how it’s used by intelligence analysts to predict future terrorist attacks.

By Dr. Valerie E. Davis, American Public University

The job of an intelligence analyst is often very stressful due to the nature of the work and intense pressures to deliver information in a short amount of time. AMU intelligence studies professor Dr. Valerie Davis writes about the importance for intel analysts to learn how to recognize and identify stress and understand effective ways to manage it. 

Security breaches in the business world have become commonplace and can have a catastrophic impact on the organization’s people, data, and brand reputation.

True security can only be realized through a comprehensive active approach that incorporates resources throughout the organization. There simply is not a silver bullet that can provide adequate security. However, a company can work to protect itself by incorporating proactive security measures that involve the entire organizational hierarchy.

If it’s time for a career change, start by researching careers that pique your curiosity, however, be sure not reject a career because you lack familiarity. AMU’s Dr. Valerie Davis offers helpful tips to help you find your next career including including examining the job market and looking for areas that are expanding, developing, or changing.