AMU Emergency Management Homeland Security Intelligence Opinion Public Safety Terrorism

9/11, Five Years Later: Where Are We Now?

It’s been nearly five years since the September 11 terrorist attacks. Is the United States a safer place to live?

That’s what the Washington Post explores in a special homeland security report, “A Fight Against Terrorism — and Disorganization“.
The article examines the complex infrastructure of the nation’s current homeland security and counterterrorism efforts.
Post staffer Karen DeYoung writes:
In the years since Bush stood atop the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center and pledged retaliation against “the people who knocked down these buildings,” the federal government has undergone an unprecedented expansion and reorganization.
Yet the counterterrorism infrastructure that resulted has become so immense and unwieldy that many looking at it from the outside, and even some on the inside, have trouble understanding how it works or how much safer it has made the country

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